Rhinophyma: Causes and Treatment

why do alcoholics have a purple nose

Rosacea is a skin condition that is characterized by red cheeks or red patches on the face along with visible blood vessels. “Rhinophyma” is the medical term for “drinker’s nose”, which is a side effect of the skin condition rosacea. Contrary to popular belief, a “drinker’s nose” is not necessarily caused by alcohol addiction or abuse. “Alcoholic nose” is a slang term that is used to describe a red, bumpy, and swollen nose that is thought to be caused by a large amount of drinking. It is believed that this skin condition is only affected by those who have an alcohol use disorder (AUD). Alcohol use disorder is a medical condition that is defined by the unmanageable use of alcohol despite negative circumstances.

why do alcoholics have a purple nose


While alcohol nose does not directly imply addiction, it can be a visible manifestation of long-term alcohol abuse for some people. If you or someone you know struggles with alcohol addiction, The Hope House can help. Excess alcohol consumption can also cause psoriasis, a condition that results in flaky and itchy skin. If you are prone to other skin conditions such as eczema, alcohol can worsen them. If you stop drinking alcohol for a short period of time and then go back to it, it is highly likely that your red nose will return. If your red nose is caused by alcohol, your doctor will likely recommend that you cut down on your alcohol intake or even stop drinking altogether through a medical detox.

Drinker’s Nose: Is “Alcoholic Nose” Really From Drinking?

Therefore, heavy drinkers have a higher chance of getting rosacea and potentially Rhinophyma. However, non-drinkers can also get Rhinophyma, which is why many researchers are working to debunk the myth that the condition is just another sign of alcoholism. Treatment options for alcoholic nose generally include medication and surgery. Mild rhinophyma is best suited for medication, which often includes topical anti-inflammatories and antibiotics. Once the condition has progressed, surgery is probably the best option. Unfortunately, if left untreated, rhinophyma can obstruct the nostrils and affect breathing, deeming a medical evaluation worthwhile.

  • Further, alcohol widens facial pores, allowing blackheads and whiteheads to form, which can contribute to acne.
  • When choosing an alcohol addiction treatment center, it’s important to choose one that understands the disease of addiction and the best ways to help promote strong, lasting change.
  • Individuals with rhinophyma are at risk for skin cancer within the affected tissue.
  • Rhinophyma is a condition that occurs when rosacea, a chronic skin disorder, spreads to the nose.
  • Within 5 minutes, you’ll receive an email with these details – free of charge.

Rhinophyma Causes

  • Nevertheless, the idea of red-faced characters that you might expect to find in a Disney® movie’s tavern have also crossed over in a way to the real world.
  • It also becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy when someone experiences stigma, develops shame, and then says, “Well, why should I try?
  • Now, more studies have shown that alcoholism is not necessarily the cause of rhinophyma.
  • It may be completed with a scalpel, laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, or via cryosurgery.

In this way, alcohol does have some connection to rhinophyma, although alcohol alone is not the root cause of rhinophyma. Instead, if an individual has rosacea and drinks often, they might trigger more rosacea flare-ups, which can lead to increased thickening of the skin on their nose. The eyes can also be affected by a specific type of rosacea known as ocular rosacea. Ocular rosacea can make the eyelids dry, swollen, red, and irritated. In some cases, people may experience ocular rosacea before symptoms on the skin begin.

What Causes Alcoholic Nose?

Sometimes, this can include relying on ablative lasers or electrical currents (a treatment known as diathermy) to help remove excess tissue. Drinking alcohol has been debunked by research as a direct link to this condition. But we do know that drinking can cause more flushing in people with rosacea. But if your red nose is affecting your self-esteem, why do alcoholics have a purple nose causing you discomfort or resulting in judgement from others, then surgery is a viable option.

Signs of Alcoholic Addiction and Misuse

why do alcoholics have a purple nose

Alcohol is a toxic substance that affects nearly every organ in the body, including the liver, brain, heart, and gastrointestinal system. Chronic alcohol abuse can result in liver damage, cardiovascular issues, neurological disorders, and gastrointestinal disorders. If your nose is still red even when you no longer drink alcohol, you may wish to seek medical advice. In some cases, only medication and/or surgery can fix alcoholic nose. Alcohol use can worsen a red nose, also Alcohol Use Disorder known as rhinophyma, but doesn’t cause it to occur.

why do alcoholics have a purple nose

  • Alternatively, some people may be labelled as heavy drinkers due to the appearance of their nose even if they drink moderately or not at all.
  • He had a large, bulbous nose that he referred to as his “gin blossoms,” presumably from the amount of gin he drank.
  • First, it is important to note that Rhinophyma is frequently confused with other alcohol-related conditions.
  • Rhinophyma is believed to be a rare but severe manifestation of inflammatory rosacea.
  • While there are no severe side effects of alcoholic nose, the main side effect is their physical appearance.
  • We offer 24-hour psychiatric services provided by licensed professionals in various disciplines.

One way to help people seek the treatment they need and help them live out healthier and better futures is to provide people with the whole story and clear information. Other alcoholism nose treatments can include nasal sprays, antihistamines, and decongestants. If the condition is severe, a doctor may recommend a course of antibiotics or steroid medications. For a long time, it was widely accepted that Rhinophyma was caused by alcohol use disorder. Not all individuals who drink alcohol will experience alcoholic rhinopathy, and the severity of symptoms will depend on the quantity and type of alcohol consumed. Rosacea and rhinophyma can vary significantly in appearance and severity among individuals.

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