
A 3-mintue summary of China’s 14th Five-Year Plan Notice on IP Protection and Utilization 


IP is no doubt a key strategic area in the national development of our country. In recent years, a lot of new developments are signifying the growing importance of IP in China, e.g. Chinese companies are leading blockchain-related patent filings, increase of 300+% in the amount of damages awarded in IP lawsuits from 2016 to 2019 etc.

Recently, China’s State Council has released the 14th Five-Year Plan Notice of the National Intellectual Property (IP) Protection and Utilization Plan (the “Five-Year IP Plan”). To better help you understand China’s IP development plans, Our Managing Partner Alan Chiu and Associate Poyiu Cheung have written an article summarizing China’s blueprint to further consolidate its lead on IP initiatives by 2025.