Guangzhou Law Office
广东超泓律师事务所 “ELLALAN (Guangdong) Law Office”
我们相信律所规模与服务质量不一定成正比。在不影响实用性和灵活性的前提下,我们致力于以极具竞争力的价格为客户提供顶级的服务质量,确保每起案件都由经验丰富的合伙人亲自主理或监督。在复杂的案件中,我们对能够提供多种方案满足客户诉求,实现客户商业策略增值引以为傲。 实用、高效和优质是我们的标志。
广东超泓律师事务所 “ELLALAN (Guangdong) Law Office”
ELLALAN (Guangdong) Law Office is a thriving boutique law firm. Rooted in Guangzhou, center of the Greater Bay Area, we provide a full range of legal service to our clients. Our team has been honoured with awards in the areas of intellectual property, TMT (technology, media & telecommunication), entertainment, and Hong Kong – Mainland China cross-border practices. We are dedicated to serving the legal and commercial needs of our clients in the Greater China Region and assisting our Chinese clients with their overseas work.
Goals and Vision
We believe that the size of a law firm is not necessarily proportional to the quality of its services. We strive to position ourselves uniquely to offer clients top-tier firm’s quality and partners’ attention without compromising practicality and flexibility and also at competitive rates. We also pride ourselves on engineering options to resolve clients’ complex problems and adding value to clients’ businesses. Practical, efficient and quality are the hallmarks of us.