
3rd Anniversary of ELLALAN


Today marks the 3rd anniversary of ELLALAN!

As a young and dynamic firm in Hong Kong, we have made an incredible amount of progress! Here are some of our significant milestones:

  • Recognized as a Tier 1 law firm for Copyright/ Trademark by Asian Legal Business;
  • Shortlisted as Finalist for Hong Kong IP Firm of the Year in the 18th Annual The Macallan ALB Hong Kong Law Awards 2019;
  • Shortlisted as Copyright / Trademark Firm of Year 2019 (Hong Kong) by Asia IP – to be announced in early November 2019;
  • Gave 40+ talks and seminars in the past 3 years;
  • Built up a diversified client base with clients coming from 20+ jurisdictions;
  • Drank countless cups of late-night espresso for the increasing pile of work;
  • More importantly, grown from a 17 people team at the beginning to a 30+ people united, diversified, multi-talented and happy team who share the same vision and values.


A big thank you for the contribution and dedication of our team members and of course our clients’ unfailing trust and support.

More exciting developments to come in the next 6 months! Stay tuned!