
ELLALAN shares IP knowledge to designers, start-ups and other participants under Design Licensing and Business Support Scheme


IP is no doubt an important asset for all businesses nowadays. Both protection and commercialization of IP should be planned ahead at the early stage of every business, especially for designers and innovators. Our Managing Partner Alan Chiu was invited by Innovative Entrepreneur Association (“IEA”) to offer an online sharing session on IP commercialization to designers, start-ups and other participants under the Design Licensing and Business (“DLAB”) Support Scheme (, a scheme that aims at assisting local young designers and IP owners in promoting their IPs as part of their business growth. During the webminar, Alan touched on several important aspects of IP commercialization including creation, management and use of IP, mode of commercialization, IP enforcement, and key issues surrounding IP licensing in the Greater China Region. We are grateful for IEA’s invitation and the attendees’ active participation. Promoting IP among the general public has all along been our mission. We look forward to collaborating further with IEA and providing legal and IP support to DLAB again in the near future.